The New Year: 2016

The New Year: 2016
By: claycormany in Uncategorized
The New Year: 2016
Sometimes I wish there was a brake I could step on to stop time dead in its tracks or at least slow it down. If there were, I would have kept 2015 around awhile longer or — who knows — still have us in 2014. But of course, such a brake does not exist and so another new year is upon us. It started well enough with an Ohio State victory over Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl, but where it goes from here is anyone’s guess.
Some people make resolutions for a new year; I prefer to set goals. Here are four that I have set for 2016:
– Complete my second novel, The Bullybuster, and submit it for publication. The first draft is almost half done.
– Earn an A in the Creative Writing Class I’ll be taking Spring Semester at Otterbein. Although I’m a published writer, I don’t regard this class as an easy A. It will cover several types of creative writing, such as poetry and flash fiction, which aren’t my strong suits.
– Publish an anthology representing the writers in GEM-C of Columbus State. Compositions by students in the 1Girl program might also be included.
– Clean out and organize all three of my main e-mail files: Yahoo, Hotmail, and Columbus State.
– Read at least two novels and two works of nonfiction. One of the latter will be Richard Gilbert’s Shepherd.
– Put my first novel, Fast-Pitch Love, into print and hold an unveiling ceremony with invited guests.
I also hope 2016 will give me more opportunities to spend one-on-one time with my grandchildren and do some traveling with my wife. In August, the Chautauqua Institution in New York will award her a diploma from their Literary and Scientific Circle. I hope to attend that event. A visit is also planned to the Philadelphia area in May to see my stepson’s high school lacrosse team play.
Much attention throughout the year is likely to focus on my stepdaughter’s upcoming wedding, which may not take place until 2017. I may also participate in another Pelotonia bicycle ride for cancer research and visit my younger daughter and her family in Indonesia.
Of course, priorities and circumstances change. Unforeseen events can derail some plans and set new ones in motion. Promising opportunities can suddenly arise while others vanish. More than attaining the goals above, I hope that I and all my loved ones are still here — happy and healthy — a year from now when 2016 has passed into history and 2017 looms ahead.