Taking a Break

Taking a Break
By: claycormany in Life in General
This blog is going on hiatus until at least January 1 of next year. There are two reasons for this break. First, I’ll be traveling a lot during the last months of 2023. That includes a cruise up the St. Lawrence River in October that will take the better part of 2 weeks. Although a […]

A New Blog with an Old Purpose
By: claycormany in Writing
When I started this blog back in June 2015, I planned for it to showcase my writing and provide a platform for my thoughts about literary issues. Before long, however, other topics often took center stage. In fact, nine of the first 22 postings didn’t deal with writing in any way. That’s not surprising since […]

Thoughts on English 1160: Writing Across the Genres
By: claycormany in Writing
My creative writing course at Otterbein came to an end a few weeks ago. Although my Wednesday evenings are free once again, I find myself missing the discussions and discovery that occurred in nearly every class. When my wife signed me up for this course as a Christmas gift, she worried that I would take […]

In Search of Gray
By: claycormany in Life in General
This past Christmas, my wife gave me a unique gift: enrollment in a creative writing course at Otterbein University. English 1160: Writing Across the Genres met for the first time last Wednesday in Otterbein’s Towers Hall. I received my syllabus, listened as Professor Terry Hermsen laid out his expectations, and joined my classmates in some […]
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