Shredded: A Review

Shredded: A Review
By: claycormany in Books
O’Donnell, Charles. Shredded. Moon Lit. Publishing, 2018. If you think the Internet is a disturbing, intimidating creation, you’ll want to stay clear of Charles O’Donnell’s novel Shredded. If you venture within its pages, you’ll encounter the Worldstream, which makes the Internet look as innocuous as a 3-day-old kitten. Though similar to the Internet, the Worldstream […]

A Friend Brings His Stories to a Live Audience
By: claycormany in Books
As much as I enjoy reading passages of my books to people, I also enjoy listening to other authors bring their stories to life at public presentations. So I made a point of attending my friend Charles O’Donnell’s reading at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Reynoldsburg this past Sunday. His was the first of several […]
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