Grandson Sam Enters World of OSU Football

Grandson Sam Enters World of OSU Football
By: claycormany in Family
About five years ago, I wrote a blog post about my grandson Nikolai’s attendance at his first Ohio State football game. Yesterday, it was his cousin Sam’s turn to enter that hallowed world. This world had changed quite a bit since Nikolai’s first game. Because of COVID, relatively few people (76,540) attended this game against […]

Pandemic Forces Live Theater to Go Virtual
By: claycormany in Life in General
One of the biggest sources of entertainment for my wife and me over the last decade has been the Otterbein University Theater. We’ve seen My Fair Lady, Oklahoma, and several other musicals, including a spell-binding, heart-rending production of Les Misérables that left me with damp eyes and weak knees. We laughed at comedies such as […]
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