Reconsidering an “Unfriendly” Question

Reconsidering an “Unfriendly” Question
By: claycormany in Life in General
The scenario usually unfolds this way. A Caucasian man or woman — standing in line at a grocery store, coffee shop, or fast-food outlet — confronts another customer or maybe even the clerk behind the counter, who’s been speaking with a noticeable accent. The Caucasian fires off the question as if it were a bullet […]

Communication Lab Benefits Both Tutor and Students
By: claycormany in Life in General
June 23, 2000, was one of the saddest days of my life. On that day, my mother passed away after a nearly year-long battle with pancreatic cancer. Ironically, something good also happened that day. In the afternoon, Professor Chris Hopkins of Columbus State Community College called, asking if I would like to be a tutor […]

Thoughts on English 1160: Writing Across the Genres
By: claycormany in Writing
My creative writing course at Otterbein came to an end a few weeks ago. Although my Wednesday evenings are free once again, I find myself missing the discussions and discovery that occurred in nearly every class. When my wife signed me up for this course as a Christmas gift, she worried that I would take […]
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