The Limits of Legislation

The Limits of Legislation
By: claycormany in Life in General
On May 20, President Biden signed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act into law. The measure had received solid bipartisan support — an increasingly rare phenomenon — in both the House and Senate. The new law represents a response to the frightening rise in violence against Asian-Americans that has coincided with the coronavirus pandemic. Key provisions […]

Confederate Statues and Flags Come Down; Troubling Attitudes and Beliefs Remain
By: claycormany in Life in General
Banning Confederate flags and taking down statues of Confederate leaders may be the right thing to do. However, we need to recognize that such actions do not address a more fundamental issue, specifically, how do we change the attitudes of people who admire and/or identify with these symbols of the Confederacy? One thing seems clear. […]
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