Bike Ride Honors a Role Model

Bike Ride Honors a Role Model
By: claycormany in Cycling
Is it possible for a 71-year-old man to have a role model? I can answer that question with a resounding “yes” because I had such a role model myself until recently. George G. was an elite cyclist as well as an avid swimmer, skilled wood carver, and generous philanthropist. When I went biking with George, […]

Pelotonia Follow-Up
By: claycormany in Cycling
Pelotonia 15 is now history. I completed the 75-miles route, which ran from Pickerington to Gambier. In addition to being 25 miles farther than the 50-mile route, which I completed in 2013, the 75-mile route has more hills. The course actually divides into two sections past Granville, but even the easier Bennington Chapel section – […]
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