Write-to-Publish Critique Group Sidesteps Pandemic Dangers

Write-to-Publish Critique Group Sidesteps Pandemic Dangers
By: claycormany in Writing
Among the many casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic have been my face-to-face writers’ groups. Of the four such groups to which I belonged prior to the pandemic, only one continues to meet and only through online conferences. The demise of my in-person critique groups has made my membership in Charles O’Donnell’s Write-to-Publish online critique group […]

Pandemic Holiday Still Brings Happiness
By: claycormany in Life in General
As of today, the COVID-19 virus has afflicted over 16 million Americans and caused or contributed to the death of 297,837. For Ohio, the comparable figures are 553,461 and 7,477. Something as sweeping and lethal as this pandemic was bound to have a profound impact on how people observed the end-of-year holidays. I will use […]

“Virtual Stretch” Brings in Dollars for the Hungry
By: claycormany in Outdoors
Ever since taking up running as my main form of exercise, I’ve participated in numerous 5K and 10K races in and around central Ohio. Some of these races were designed to raise funds for a charitable cause. In fact, my first race back in 1981 was a 10K fundraiser for the Ohio State School for […]

Community Center Models Pandemic Precautions
By: claycormany in Cycling
Wisely or unwisely, many of the public facilities that closed back in March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are beginning to re-open. These re-openings, however, are not without limits and conditions. In my opinion, the Worthington Community Center has done all the right things as far as making its services available to its members, […]

Thoughts After Five Years of Blogging
By: claycormany in Life in General
Today is my birthday and, like it was five years ago when I posted my first blog, it is also Father’s Day. It is safe to say that Write at Home has not taken the blogosphere by storm, but that was never my goal anyway. The blog started out with a literary focus, but before […]

Storytelling: A Legacy Worth Continuing
By: claycormany in Family
On this Mother’s Day, I am prompted to remember my mother Shirley (Rowe) Cormany, and the many ways she enriched my life from my childhood years into adulthood. One of the most-valuable gifts she ever gave me was storytelling. It was a two-fold gift since she both read stories to me and gave me stories […]

Pandemic Walk
By: claycormany in Life in General
If one thing stands out about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s the way it has put a dagger beneath the throat of everyone across the globe. The danger of the coronavirus can be seen in the daily news reports on the deaths suffered, the jobs lost, the facilities closed, and the mounting burden on those […]

The Coronavirus Crisis Continues and Intensifies
By: claycormany in Life in General
During the Vietnam War, Walter Cronkite and other anchormen* for the major networks would make weekly reports on the number of Americans killed in that tragic conflict. A similar ritual has unfolded in connection with the ongoing — and intensifying — crisis with the coronavirus. Now Nora O’Donnell and Lester Holt give us daily updates […]
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