Pandemic Forces Live Theater to Go Virtual

Pandemic Forces Live Theater to Go Virtual
By: claycormany in Life in General
One of the biggest sources of entertainment for my wife and me over the last decade has been the Otterbein University Theater. We’ve seen My Fair Lady, Oklahoma, and several other musicals, including a spell-binding, heart-rending production of Les Misérables that left me with damp eyes and weak knees. We laughed at comedies such as […]

The Democratic Debate at Otterbein: Thoughts from a Public Speaking Instructor
By: claycormany in Life in General
There are many people inside and outside of Washington who will be analyzing the political outcomes of the recent Democratic debate at Otterbein University. As a contrast, I offer my view of each candidate’s performance as a public speaker, drawing on my 30+ years as a communication instructor and tutor. The comments below are based […]

Thoughts on English 1160: Writing Across the Genres
By: claycormany in Writing
My creative writing course at Otterbein came to an end a few weeks ago. Although my Wednesday evenings are free once again, I find myself missing the discussions and discovery that occurred in nearly every class. When my wife signed me up for this course as a Christmas gift, she worried that I would take […]

In Search of Gray
By: claycormany in Life in General
This past Christmas, my wife gave me a unique gift: enrollment in a creative writing course at Otterbein University. English 1160: Writing Across the Genres met for the first time last Wednesday in Otterbein’s Towers Hall. I received my syllabus, listened as Professor Terry Hermsen laid out his expectations, and joined my classmates in some […]
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