The Joys of Grandparenting

The Joys of Grandparenting
By: claycormany in Family
On a recent bike ride, I passed a man about my age, pulling a wagon with a small child in it. Although I had never met this man face-to-face, I recognized him as a member of my online writers’ critique group. I was tempted to ride up to him and introduce myself, but after some […]

Marathon Memories
By: claycormany in Running
Last Sunday, my wife and I journeyed to Goodale Park to cheer on our son-in-law Phil and other runners as they competed in the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon. Phil did well; his finishing time of 3:31:02 was a personal best. Watching him and the other runners brought back a flood of “marathon memories” for […]

Thanksgiving Memories
By: claycormany in Family
Thanksgiving will be here in a few days, and I hope to resist the urge to gorge myself on all the delicious food that will be on the table. Despite that challenge, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and has been for quite awhile. As a child, I would have picked Christmas as my favorite, and […]
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