Some Additional Thoughts on Being a Grandfather

Some Additional Thoughts on Being a Grandfather
By: claycormany in Family
Two years ago, I posted a blog shortly after Father’s Day that focused on the joys of grandparenting. As I said then, they include but are not limited to, the following: Watching my children as they cope with the same parenting issues I faced with them when they were young. Helping shape young lives in […]

The Joys of Grandparenting
By: claycormany in Family
On a recent bike ride, I passed a man about my age, pulling a wagon with a small child in it. Although I had never met this man face-to-face, I recognized him as a member of my online writers’ critique group. I was tempted to ride up to him and introduce myself, but after some […]

Alum Creek Camping Brings Fun, Adventure, and Only a Little Pain
By: claycormany in Family
As a kid, I liked camping. It was fun to live outdoors for a few days, enjoy the beauties of nature, and not worry about homework and other domestic tasks. As an adult, and especially as an aging adult, my enthusiasm for camping has greatly diminished. It’s usually too hot or too cold. There is […]

Children’s Parade Helps Ease Pressures of the Day
By: claycormany in Family
Pandemics, protests, and political mudslinging — it all gets to be too much after awhile, and when it does I have to find some relief. For me, grandchildren provide the best source of relief. They don’t have to be doing anything special, but when they do, it can be a genuine treat. One such treat […]

Storytelling: A Legacy Worth Continuing
By: claycormany in Family
On this Mother’s Day, I am prompted to remember my mother Shirley (Rowe) Cormany, and the many ways she enriched my life from my childhood years into adulthood. One of the most-valuable gifts she ever gave me was storytelling. It was a two-fold gift since she both read stories to me and gave me stories […]

The Ohio State Fair: A Link to the Past
By: claycormany in Family
As I grow older, I place a greater value on those places and people that connect me to my ever-receding past. Ohio State football, the Zimmerman family in Fort Thomas, KY, and the Upper Arlington Public Library all serve that purpose for me. Like a chain-link fence, these things connect me to where I am […]

Australia: A Trip of a Lifetime
By: claycormany in Family
Last evening, my wife and I returned home weary but happy from our trip to Australia. By and large, it was a trip free of worry and mishap. The worst thing that happened was arriving at John Glenn International Airport without our luggage arriving with us, but it was delivered to our home early this […]

Prelude to Perth
By: claycormany in Family
Later today, my wife and I will begin a 24-hour-long journey to Perth, Australia where my daughter Ruth and her family are waiting. This will be by far, the longest trip I have ever taken in my life, exceeding the visit to Spain and Portugal I made with my parents and sister in 1971. Being […]
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