The Capitol Takeover: A Prelude to Civil War?

The Capitol Takeover: A Prelude to Civil War?
By: claycormany in Life in General
I was going to do a book review for my first blog of 2021, but in the wake of what happened last week in Washington, D.C., I’ve decided the book review can wait. Like every other civilized person, I was horrified by the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol, instigated by a mob of Trump […]

The Angel of Marye’s Heights
By: claycormany in Life in General
Yesterday, Duke University removed a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from its campus. A few days earlier, protestors tore down a statue of a Confederate soldier that had stood outside a Durham, North Carolina government building. Both actions came in the wake of violence between white supremacists and counter protestors over the planned […]
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