The Polar Express Comes to Life

The Polar Express Comes to Life
By: claycormany in Family
“I am the king of the North Pole!” Tom Hanks’ voice booms from the chugging locomotive as it passes the station platform and heads toward the covered bridge. My Polar Express Christmas layout is up and running. It includes a snow-covered tunnel, elf “warming” shacks, and a Christmas tree with Santa and some elves nearby. […]

The Polar Express: The Project Begins
By: claycormany in Life in General
One of my favorite Christmas movies is The Polar Express, which centers on a boy, an enchanted train, and a journey he takes with other children to the North Pole on Christmas Eve. Last Christmas, The Polar Express came to my own home in the form of a model train complete with figures of the Tom-Hanks […]

Pandemic Holiday Still Brings Happiness
By: claycormany in Life in General
As of today, the COVID-19 virus has afflicted over 16 million Americans and caused or contributed to the death of 297,837. For Ohio, the comparable figures are 553,461 and 7,477. Something as sweeping and lethal as this pandemic was bound to have a profound impact on how people observed the end-of-year holidays. I will use […]

Christmas 2019 Reflections
By: claycormany in Life in General
Christmas 2019 is almost here, prompting me to consider how this edition of “the most-wonderful time of the year” compares to previous ones. This Christmas season featured many of the same attractions and treats that have made previous ones special: The Bricker holiday party for children, the Huntington Holiday Train set-up at the Columbus Public […]

A Shadow over Christmas
By: claycormany in Family
The holiday season is in full swing at the Cormany-Princehorn household. The Christmas tree is up, decorations have been hung, and our Elf-on-the-Shelf, PJ, is hiding from grandchildren again. Most of our shopping is also complete, so we will not have to deal with last-minute dashes to the local shopping mall. However, this Christmas will […]

My Chicago Christmas
By: claycormany in Family
The 2015 Christmas season is here in full force with all the usual trappings and activity. There was a brief time in my life when I didn’t particularly like this holiday, but I made my peace with it and now enjoy it fully. I look forward to Rudolph and Frosty, Scrooge and his spirits, Clara […]
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