Tucker Carlson: Is He Really That Bad? Part II

Tucker Carlson: Is He Really That Bad? Part II
By: claycormany in Life in General
First a confession. This blog is based on three showings of Tucker Carlson Tonight (TCT), rather than the four to which I committed in my previous blog. Somehow, I don’t think anyone reading this posting will hold that against me. So is Tucker Carson really that bad? I’ll address that question at the end. To […]

Tucker Carlson: Is He Really That Bad? Part I
By: claycormany in Life in General
I don’t watch television much these days. Aside from the evening news and an occasional sports event or Turner classic movie, my attention is focused elsewhere. So when my Facebook friends — who are mostly a little more liberal than I — rail about someone or something on Fox News, I don’t really know if […]
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