Seven-Year Reflections

Seven-Year Reflections
By: claycormany in Life in General
A few days ago, I observed my 73rd birthday, which was also the seventh anniversary of this blog. In my first post on June 21, 2015, I wrote about things for which I am grateful. In that regard, nothing has changed in the last seven years. I continue to be grateful for my wife, friends, […]

New Blog Keeps WWII in Focus
By: claycormany in Writing
According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, there were approximately 240,000 U.S. World War II veterans still alive at the end of 2021. That’s only a small fraction of the 16 million Americans who served in that devastating conflict that caused over 50 million deaths and forever changed the geopolitical international landscape. With the remaining […]

A New Blog with an Old Purpose
By: claycormany in Writing
When I started this blog back in June 2015, I planned for it to showcase my writing and provide a platform for my thoughts about literary issues. Before long, however, other topics often took center stage. In fact, nine of the first 22 postings didn’t deal with writing in any way. That’s not surprising since […]
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