Pelotonia Follow-Up

Pelotonia Follow-Up
By: claycormany in Cycling
Pelotonia 15 is now history. I completed the 75-miles route, which ran from Pickerington to Gambier. In addition to being 25 miles farther than the 50-mile route, which I completed in 2013, the 75-mile route has more hills. The course actually divides into two sections past Granville, but even the easier Bennington Chapel section – the one that I took – has some difficult terrain. One particularly nasty hill came just 7 miles from the finish. By the time I reached its summit, I was going only 3 mph. The ride did give me a chance to enjoy the farmland and small towns of central Ohio. The weather was hot but free of storms.
I was dead tired and aching all over by the time Gambier came into sight, but the struggle was well worth it. Many wonderful people greeted us as we moved along. Some held signs thanking us for helping a loved one who had been or was currently fighting cancer. Others served us snacks, water, and Gatorade at the rest stops. The people of Granville gave us an especially warm welcome, complete with cheers, cowbells, and band music. One kind gentleman there handed me an ice cold bottle of water that I quickly guzzled. A tip of the hat also goes to the Highway Patrol and local police officers who kept traffic at bay while Pelotonia riders passed through busy intersections.
The day before the ride my wife and I attended the opening ceremony party on the Columbus Commons. It was a little too loud for our taste. However, while we were there, I gathered with three of my Bricker & Eckler teammates for a group photo. As I was the only one going 75 miles, I didn’t see them on the ride itself. Right now, I don’t plan to ride in any more Pelotonias. But it’s possible that someone could change my mind.
Tags: Pelotonia