Mt. Washington Ascent

Mt. Washington Ascent
By: claycormany in Outdoors
Of all the physical challenges I have undertaken in my life, few were as arduous as my ascent (and descent) of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire in August 2014. I was fortunate to make the journey with West Chester, PA attorney Duke Schneider and his two daughters, Heather and Haley. For some 10 hours, my companions and I struggled up and down rocky trails, steep slopes, and seemingly endless switchbacks. We saw beautiful, breathtaking views, but also endured cold winds and a brief rain shower near the summit. Before reaching the top of Mt. Washington, we climbed up nearby Mt. Monroe and took some pictures.
The poem below commemorates our Mt. Washington climbing adventure. I have taken some poetic license in these verses — I don’t think our feet ever actually “dangled over cliff sides and caverns” — but the tenor of the poem is true to the challenge that we faced.
By Clay Cormany
We begin our ascent, our confidence soars, the aroma of pine trees strong
The mountain scoffs at us
Puny pathetic people! You are unworthy of my summit.
Undeterred, we push on, hands on backpacks
Our boots nudging against grass and pebbles.
We continue our ascent, our spirits high, the rush of a creek in our ears
The mountain laughs at us.
Pitiful powerless pathwalkers! Your journey has barely begun.
Undeterred, we push on, hands swat flies and gnats
Our boots brushing through weeds and vines.
We continue our ascent, sweat drips down, the crows’ cawing grows loud
The mountain sneers at us
Hapless, helpless hikers! Your journey will end in despair.
Undeterred, we push on, hands gripping walking poles
Our boots stumbling over stones and stubble.
We continue our ascent, mouths now dry, the taste of salt stings our tongues
The mountain jeers at us.
Careless, calamitous climbers! Pain and sorrow await you.
Undeterred, we push on, hands clasping canteens
Our boots tripping on rocks and roots.
We continue our ascent, muscles aching, the air slaps cold on our faces
The mountain rages at us.
Damn, defiant daredevils! Doom and destruction will be your lot!
Undeterred, we push on, hands balancing weakened bodies
Our boots plodding up switchbacks and side trails.
We continue our ascent, legs bending like rubber, the rain slices sharp on our skin
The mountain pleads with us.
Foolish, flimsy fanatics! Turn back while life is still yours.
Undeterred, we push on, hands clawing for firm earth
Our boots dangling over cliff sides and caverns.
We complete our ascent, our spirits high, the sun grants us a triumphant glow
The mountain stays silent
Deterrence no issue, we relax, hands rub sore ankles and blistered toes
Our boots resting, unlaced, on the lodge’s warm, dry floor.
Tags: boots, mountain, New Hampshire, poem