
Today is my birthday as well as Father’s Day, so for this first-ever blog on my website I want to focus on something positive. That will mean avoiding any reference to current news headlines, which are dominated by ongoing conflict in the Mideast, the trial of a mass murderer in Colorado, and the murder of nine African-American church goers in Charleston, South Carolina.
The best way I can be positive in this inaugural posting is to talk about the people for whom I am grateful. I can start with my parents, Harry and Shirley Cormany. They have passed into eternity, but my thanks to them is also eternal. Besides meeting all of my childhood needs, they gave me love, support, and wise counsel. They disciplined me when I made poor choices and encouraged me when I made good ones. Because of them, I was able to attend a fine university and receive a top-rate education.
Speaking of education, I am grateful for the many teachers I had from kindergarten through graduate school who imparted their knowledge to me, sharpened my communication skills, and broadened my horizons. Gratitude is also due to the many fine co-workers I had at the Ohio Department of Education and presently have at Columbus State Community College. They have made coming to work something I enjoy rather than dread.
I am grateful for devoted, loving stepchildren, children, and children-in-law, who have made me proud and happy in so many ways. The same holds true for grandchildren whose curiosity, boundless energy, and mischievous antics help me stay young at heart. I am grateful for loyal friends who have shared both good and bad times with me, and who keep me anchored in reality. And of course, I am grateful for my wife, Becky, my partner and helpmate, who loves me despite my flaws.
There are others who deserve my gratitude – friendly neighbors, fellow writers, extended family members – who have enriched my life, helped me solve problems, or opened their home to me. Like most people, I complain about little irritations and frustrations. But when I think about the different people, past and present, who have made my happy life what it is today, one thing becomes clear: I really have no reason to complain at all.
Tags: family, gratitude