Fast-Pitch Love Moves to Print

Fast-Pitch Love Moves to Print
By: claycormany in Books
Ever since learning to read, I have enjoyed the feel of a book in my hands. The inviting look of the cover, the firmness of the spine, and the crisp turning of the pages make me feel like I am embarking on an adventure, which often proves to be the case. Plus, when putting in the bookmark, I can see the progress I have made and how many pages are still ahead. And, of course, I can read a printed book without having to purchase an electronic device that needs to be recharged.
While I have slowly and somewhat begrudgingly made peace with ebooks, I still miss the solidness that a print book provides. That’s why seeing my own book in print has been so rewarding. Under the terms of my contract with Astraea Press (now Clean Reads), Fast-Pitch Love needed to gross $500 as an ebook before it was eligible to be published in hard copy. The trek to that magic dollar amount took longer than expected – about a year and a half – but was finally reached this past spring. Since July 27, Fast-Pitch Love can be ordered as a high-quality paperback from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, and other major booksellers. I can also have print copies sent straight to me.
The paperback version of my novel can cost as little as $12.40 or as much as $17.99, depending on how quickly the buyer wants it shipped. Unlike the ebook price, I don’t have the leeway to lower the paperback price as part of a sales promotion. However, having Fast-Pitch Love in print gives me some options I didn’t have before:
– I can have the “unveiling” ceremony for the book that I have always wanted.
– I now can sell Fast-Pitch Love at book fairs and festivals, and other literary events rather than just handing out bookmarks. I can do the same at softball games and tournaments.
– I can approach bookstores and offer them the opportunity to put my novel on their shelves and sell it.
– I can market the book to libraries, especially school libraries whose students fall in the YA age range.
– I can make presentations or provide workshops, and have my own book available as a teaching tool.
It is too early to tell how well the paperback version of Fast-Pitch Love will sell. The rather high cost concerns me a bit. But now I have something tangible to sell, something I can autograph and put in a reader’s hands – and something that feels very good in my own hands.
Tags: booksellers, bookstores, paperback, print