The 5K Challenge

The 5K Challenge
By: claycormany in Running
Twenty minutes and thirty-six seconds. That’s the fastest I’ve ever run a 5K race. This “achievement” occurred in the spring or summer of 1983 when I was 34 years old. The race started at Westerville South High School, wound through local neighborhoods, and concluded back at the high school. I remember doing my utmost to […]

Schuylkill River Trail Offers a Pleasant Change of Scenery
By: claycormany in Running
Like most runners, I have my favorite places to run. In years past, Sharon Woods Metro Park was my location of choice for leisurely runs as well as race training. More recently, the Olentangy Bike Path has been a favorite site for exercise (both running and biking) along with Heritage Park in Westerville. But every […]

Community Center Models Pandemic Precautions
By: claycormany in Cycling
Wisely or unwisely, many of the public facilities that closed back in March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are beginning to re-open. These re-openings, however, are not without limits and conditions. In my opinion, the Worthington Community Center has done all the right things as far as making its services available to its members, […]

Goal Achieved in 2020 Indoor Triathlon
By: claycormany in Cycling
The 2020 Worthington Community Center Indoor Triathlon is now history. How did I do? I came, I saw, I conquered. Well, that’s an overstatement, but I achieved my goal of covering a total distance of over 7 miles, 7.19 miles to be exact. That’s almost 1/3 mile farther than last year’s total distance. The strength […]

Trying the Triathlon Again
By: claycormany in Cycling
6.87 — That’s the mileage I totaled in last year’s indoor triathlon at the Worthington Community Center, and it’s the mileage I’ll try to exceed when I compete in the center’s 2020 indoor triathlon. The format is the same as last year: each competitor will try to cover as much distance as possible from a […]

Triathlon Performance Leaves Room for Improvement
By: claycormany in Cycling
The 2019 Worthington Indoor Triathlon is history. As you’ll recall from my January 20 post, this athletic challenge involved seeing how far you could go in 45 minutes, with 15 minutes each of swimming, biking, and running. How did I do? I came, I saw, I didn’t conquer but I did survive and complete all the […]

Marathon Memories
By: claycormany in Running
Last Sunday, my wife and I journeyed to Goodale Park to cheer on our son-in-law Phil and other runners as they competed in the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon. Phil did well; his finishing time of 3:31:02 was a personal best. Watching him and the other runners brought back a flood of “marathon memories” for […]

The 20th Mile
By: claycormany in Outdoors
I should have known better. I should have known that when you start a 26.2-mile race with a limp, your chances of crossing the finish line are extremely slim. But I was young, well-trained, and confident (okay, overconfident), so I ignored the voice in my head that kept saying, “don’t do this; wait until next […]
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