Conservation through a Lens Highlights Importance of Guarding our Wildlife

Conservation through a Lens Highlights Importance of Guarding our Wildlife
By: claycormany in Outdoors
There are many ways — large and small — that an individual can help preserve our environment, providing a better habitat for plants and animals. Accordingly, my wife and I use at least a few recyclable bags each time we shop for groceries, and we make a point of picking up garbage that we come […]

“Virtual Stretch” Brings in Dollars for the Hungry
By: claycormany in Outdoors
Ever since taking up running as my main form of exercise, I’ve participated in numerous 5K and 10K races in and around central Ohio. Some of these races were designed to raise funds for a charitable cause. In fact, my first race back in 1981 was a 10K fundraiser for the Ohio State School for […]

A Pollinator Garden Takes Root
By: claycormany in Outdoors
Over the years of our marriage, my wife has become increasingly environmentally conscious. She picks up discarded trash on sidewalks, recycles any item that can be recycled, and rails against people who dump plastic into oceans, rivers, and other bodies of water. Her biggest step on behalf of the environment came just a few weeks […]

A Walking Audit in Worthington
By: claycormany in Outdoors
Ever been on a walking audit? Neither had I until last Thursday (August 9) when I participated in one organized by a group of Worthington community leaders. The purpose of this and other such audits is to assess the walkability or pedestrian access to key locations in the community. They are often undertaken to consider […]

Grand Canyon Still Dazzles and Mystifies
By: claycormany in Outdoors
I first saw the Grand Canyon 35 years ago on a family trip that took me though Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, and California. Like almost everyone who sets eyes on this natural wonder, I was totally dazzled by the Canyon’s indescribable beauty and sheer enormity. I thought then that it was a true work of art […]

White-Water Raft Adventure Highlights Glacier National Park Trip
By: claycormany in Outdoors
As a schoolboy studying U.S. geography, I learned there were three national parks out west whose natural beauty made them worth visiting: Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Glacier. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it to the first two, but a few days ago, I was finally able to visit Glacier National Park located in the […]

The 20th Mile
By: claycormany in Outdoors
I should have known better. I should have known that when you start a 26.2-mile race with a limp, your chances of crossing the finish line are extremely slim. But I was young, well-trained, and confident (okay, overconfident), so I ignored the voice in my head that kept saying, “don’t do this; wait until next […]

Mt. Washington Ascent
By: claycormany in Outdoors
Of all the physical challenges I have undertaken in my life, few were as arduous as my ascent (and descent) of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire in August 2014. I was fortunate to make the journey with West Chester, PA attorney Duke Schneider and his two daughters, Heather and Haley. For some 10 hours, my […]

Dip the Paddle
By: claycormany in Outdoors
A recent assignment in my creative writing class called on students to do two things. First, we were to pick a “moment in time” with one of our parents and do an extended list of details describing or referring to that moment. Recalling the canoe trips I took with my dad many years ago, I came up […]

Keeping a Promise
By: claycormany in Books
I believe in keeping promises. Eight years ago, when I was doing research for my Young Adult novel, Fast-Pitch Love, I sought help from Coach Jack Brandenburg of the Worthington Parks and Recreation Softball League. My wife told me that Coach Jack was the go-to guy for anything involving girls softball in Worthington. She was […]
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