A Review of Walking with God through Pain and Suffering — Part I

A Review of Walking with God through Pain and Suffering — Part I
By: claycormany in Books
I finished Tim Keller’s Walking with God through Pain and Suffering several months ago and have struggled to find both the time and the correct words for a critique of this book. To facilitate the task, I’ll provide an overview of the book in this blog and my criticism of it in my April 17 […]

Eight Steps
By: claycormany in Life in General
A couple of weeks ago, the professor for my creative writing class had the students go inside different stores in downtown Westerville, taking notes on the people and things they observed. I spent quite a bit of time in an antique shop, which provided the basis for the following story. EIGHT STEPS They looked perfect. Those classic ice […]

In Search of Gray
By: claycormany in Life in General
This past Christmas, my wife gave me a unique gift: enrollment in a creative writing course at Otterbein University. English 1160: Writing Across the Genres met for the first time last Wednesday in Otterbein’s Towers Hall. I received my syllabus, listened as Professor Terry Hermsen laid out his expectations, and joined my classmates in some […]

My Chicago Christmas
By: claycormany in Family
The 2015 Christmas season is here in full force with all the usual trappings and activity. There was a brief time in my life when I didn’t particularly like this holiday, but I made my peace with it and now enjoy it fully. I look forward to Rudolph and Frosty, Scrooge and his spirits, Clara […]

A Tribute to Eddie
By: claycormany in Family
Today, I put aside concerns about books and writing to pay tribute to a man who left us too soon. Eddie Burch was married to my wife’s cousin, Linda. Most of my contact with him came at holiday gatherings. But whenever I spent time with Eddie, I came away happy. He told great stories, especially […]

1 Girl Project
By: claycormany in Life in General
Too many times in my life, I have looked the other way when people in need have crossed my path. I’m trying not to do that anymore. In both large and small ways, I’m looking for opportunities to make life better for people who haven’t had the kind of advantages I have enjoyed. The 1 […]

Today is my birthday as well as Father’s Day, so for this first-ever blog on my website I want to focus on something positive. That will mean avoiding any reference to current news headlines, which are dominated by ongoing conflict in the Mideast, the trial of a mass murderer in Colorado, and the murder of […]
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