Heritage Farm: A Gateway to America’s Rural Past and Much More

Heritage Farm: A Gateway to America’s Rural Past and Much More
By: claycormany in Life in General
Question: Where can you meet pigs and rabbits face-to-face, take a tractor ride through a covered bridge, watch a grist mill in action, and see a blacksmith turn red-hot metal rods into knives? Answer: Heritage Farm Museum and Village. This past weekend, my wife, Becky, and I visited Heritage Farm, which is nestled in the […]

An Evening of Poetry
By: claycormany in Life in General
Usually Monday evenings this winter have found me in Columbus State’s Communication Center, helping students prepare for graded speeches. But with the college on spring break, I spent Monday, the 12th, at Bossy Girl’s Pin-Up Joint on North High Street near the OSU campus. Steve Abbott, a former English professor at Columbus State, alerted me […]

The Power of Definitions
By: claycormany in Life in General
History provides us with numerous tragedies that are as bewildering as they are horrifying. How could a nation, committed to freedom and the belief that “all men are created equal,” tolerate a system of labor that enslaved millions of black people for 2 1/2 centuries? How could a powerful civilized European nation condemn 6 million […]

Where Are the Heroes? Part II
By: claycormany in Life in General
So where are the heroes? If we don’t care that they’re fictitious, pop culture offers plenty of them. The beauty of make-believe heroes is they never fail. The Joker may temporarily put Batman in a jam, but the Caped Crusader will eventually escape and bring the grinning miscreant to justice; kryptonite may disable Superman, but […]

Where Are the Heroes? Part I
By: claycormany in Life in General
My friend, Alice Farnya, recently posted this sad comment on her Facebook page. “I am in mourning. No problem believing that Hollywood moguls are slimebags or that politicians prey on vulnerable staff. But Charlie Rose? The ultimate gentleman on camera? Are there no heroes anywhere? We are experiencing a culture shift in which women will […]

Jennifer Best for the Worthington School Board
By: claycormany in Life in General
Politics is in the air throughout Worthington. Even though the President and Congress are not facing election, many local offices are up for grabs. Candidates for school board, city council, and township trustee are hitting the sidewalks, going door to door with vote-for-me literature. Meanwhile, their colorful campaign signs are popping up on the lawns […]

The Angel of Marye’s Heights
By: claycormany in Life in General
Yesterday, Duke University removed a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from its campus. A few days earlier, protestors tore down a statue of a Confederate soldier that had stood outside a Durham, North Carolina government building. Both actions came in the wake of violence between white supremacists and counter protestors over the planned […]

50-Year High School Graduation Reunion Brings Mixed Feelings
By: claycormany in Life in General
During the 4th of July weekend, my high school class celebrated its 50th anniversary. There were several reunion activities including a dinner-dance and a float in the Upper Arlington 4th of July parade. I was in Boston at that time, so couldn’t participate in these get-togethers. Even before the Boston trip was on my schedule, I hesitated […]

A Visit to an Artist’s Studio
By: claycormany in Life in General
When I was a kid, I loved going to my grandparents’ house and looking through the different magazines they kept by their sofa. One of my favorites was The Saturday Evening Post, which often featured a funny cover illustration by Norman Rockwell. One of my favorite Rockwell illustrations showed a caged lion staring longingly at […]
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