Down with COVID-19: The First Vaccine

Down with COVID-19: The First Vaccine
By: claycormany in Life in General
Since Pfizer and Moderna had their COVID-19 vaccines approved, people have been trying hard to get one or the other. But that has proven to be no easy task, even for older people like myself who were put toward the front of the line. A call to my family physician’s office brought a recorded message […]

Reconsidering an “Unfriendly” Question
By: claycormany in Life in General
The scenario usually unfolds this way. A Caucasian man or woman — standing in line at a grocery store, coffee shop, or fast-food outlet — confronts another customer or maybe even the clerk behind the counter, who’s been speaking with a noticeable accent. The Caucasian fires off the question as if it were a bullet […]

The Capitol Takeover: A Prelude to Civil War?
By: claycormany in Life in General
I was going to do a book review for my first blog of 2021, but in the wake of what happened last week in Washington, D.C., I’ve decided the book review can wait. Like every other civilized person, I was horrified by the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol, instigated by a mob of Trump […]

2020: A Year Like No Other
By: claycormany in Life in General
I’ve been on this planet since June 1949, and I can say with total confidence no year of my life even remotely compares to the one that — finally — will end five days from now. The year 2020 has been a bad one at nearly every level. It’s as if some kind of “trickle […]

Pandemic Holiday Still Brings Happiness
By: claycormany in Life in General
As of today, the COVID-19 virus has afflicted over 16 million Americans and caused or contributed to the death of 297,837. For Ohio, the comparable figures are 553,461 and 7,477. Something as sweeping and lethal as this pandemic was bound to have a profound impact on how people observed the end-of-year holidays. I will use […]

The Case of the Missing Website
By: claycormany in Life in General
A couple of weeks ago, my website disappeared for no apparent reason. As far as I knew, I hadn’t done anything to cause the disappearance. There was no evidence the website had been hacked. I hadn’t tampered with any of the settings. Nonpayment of the website’s maintenance fee wasn’t the problem either, since that is […]

Pandemic Forces Live Theater to Go Virtual
By: claycormany in Life in General
One of the biggest sources of entertainment for my wife and me over the last decade has been the Otterbein University Theater. We’ve seen My Fair Lady, Oklahoma, and several other musicals, including a spell-binding, heart-rending production of Les Misérables that left me with damp eyes and weak knees. We laughed at comedies such as […]

Confederate Statues and Flags Come Down; Troubling Attitudes and Beliefs Remain
By: claycormany in Life in General
Banning Confederate flags and taking down statues of Confederate leaders may be the right thing to do. However, we need to recognize that such actions do not address a more fundamental issue, specifically, how do we change the attitudes of people who admire and/or identify with these symbols of the Confederacy? One thing seems clear. […]

Thoughts After Five Years of Blogging
By: claycormany in Life in General
Today is my birthday and, like it was five years ago when I posted my first blog, it is also Father’s Day. It is safe to say that Write at Home has not taken the blogosphere by storm, but that was never my goal anyway. The blog started out with a literary focus, but before […]

Pandemic Walk
By: claycormany in Life in General
If one thing stands out about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s the way it has put a dagger beneath the throat of everyone across the globe. The danger of the coronavirus can be seen in the daily news reports on the deaths suffered, the jobs lost, the facilities closed, and the mounting burden on those […]
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