Taking a Break

Taking a Break
By: claycormany in Life in General
This blog is going on hiatus until at least January 1 of next year. There are two reasons for this break. First, I’ll be traveling a lot during the last months of 2023. That includes a cruise up the St. Lawrence River in October that will take the better part of 2 weeks. Although a […]

Trivia Fun League Offers New Challenges
By: claycormany in Life in General
When it comes to trivia, I think I’m pretty good. Though it’s been several years since I played it, Trivial Pursuit remains one of my favorite games, and my wife and I, acting as a team, generally do well on the Columbus Dispatch‘s weekly “Super Quiz.” So when my friend Bob offered me the chance […]

Hate Has No Home Here
By: claycormany in Life in General
Whenever I take a bike ride through my community, I always see a variety of lawn signs. If an election is near, these signs often announce support for a candidate or for the passage or rejection of a local issue. Other common signs express support for “Black Lives Matter,” for Ukraine in their struggle against […]

The Face of Evil
By: claycormany in Life in General
Jerks. There’re way too many of them in the world. In fact, jerks are so numerous, that it’s almost impossible to go for more than a couple of weeks without colliding (perhaps literally) with at least one. In my opinion, jerks include, but are not limited to, reckless drivers, bullies (including cyberbullies), malicious gossipers, porch […]

Some Thoughts on “It’s a Wonderful Life”
By: claycormany in Life in General
This Christmas, I made a point of watching (actually re-watching) Frank Capra’s Christmas classic It’s a Wonderful Life. The story is familiar to most people. Good guy George Bailey, who has devoted his life to helping everyday people become homeowners, faces financial ruin and criminal charges after his Uncle Billy mistakenly gives $8,000 to Bailey’s […]

Farewell, Football (Sort of)
By: claycormany in Life in General
I’m done watching football. That includes both in-person viewing and television viewing. It would be a lie if I said Ohio State’s humiliating loss to Michigan on Saturday had nothing to do with this decision. It is true, however, that I’ve been thinking about doing this for some time. That drubbing the Buckeyes took from […]

Halloween Decorations: The Horror, The Horror
By: claycormany in Life in General
Decorations have always been a big part of the Christmas season. They can be as modest as a wreath of the door or as overwhelming as rooftops covered in lights with giant figures of Santa Claus and reindeer on the front lawn. But a recent trip through Worthington neighborhoods with my grandchildren showed that outdoor […]

Seven-Year Reflections
By: claycormany in Life in General
A few days ago, I observed my 73rd birthday, which was also the seventh anniversary of this blog. In my first post on June 21, 2015, I wrote about things for which I am grateful. In that regard, nothing has changed in the last seven years. I continue to be grateful for my wife, friends, […]

Another Senseless Shooting
By: claycormany in Life in General
It’s happened again. Another mass shooting with most of the victims being children gunned down in their classroom. I say “another” because the tragedy that occurred on May 24 at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas was painfully similar to the mass killing of children that took place 9 1/2 years ago at Sandy Hook […]

Farewell, Columbus State
By: claycormany in Life in General
My October 2, 2016 posting, “Communication Lab Benefits both Tutor and Students,” detailed the steps that led to my becoming a tutor in Columbus State Community College’s Communication Center. Managed by the College’s Communication Department (later the Department of Languages and Communication), the Comm Center allowed me to use my public speaking skills to help […]
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