Remembering Luciano and Lulu

Remembering Luciano and Lulu
By: claycormany in Family
Along with Christmas trees, bright lights, and holiday shopping, December 2017 brought two painful losses to my family. On December 9, my brother-in-law, Luciano Farina, passed away from cardiac arrest at Riverside Methodist Hospital. He had been in and out of the hospital since Thanksgiving with lung, kidney, and heart problems. However, when I visited […]

Happy Birthday, Sam and Nathan
By: claycormany in Family
Although they can be stressful for the adults who organize them, I find children’s birthday parties to be lots of fun. Everything that goes into them — the decorations, the games, the gifts, the cake and candles — brings back memories of my own birthday parties and the friends and family members who shaped my […]

Congratulations, Dan and Sarah
By: claycormany in Family
In June 2013, my wife Becky and I were at Kalahari Water Park near Sandusky, Ohio for a conference she was attending. In the evening, Becky received a phone call from her daughter Sarah about a young man with whom she had just had a blind date. Sarah, who had some disappointment with guys in […]

Easter Egg Hunt Brings Fun and Relief
By: claycormany in Family
There are times when I grow weary of all the accusations and nastiness that fly back and forth between people on different sides of the political spectrum. Similarly, I sometimes become despondent over the seemingly never-ending parade of bad news – famines, floods, wars, crimes of every kind – delivered over the media. Sometimes I […]

A Shadow over Christmas
By: claycormany in Family
The holiday season is in full swing at the Cormany-Princehorn household. The Christmas tree is up, decorations have been hung, and our Elf-on-the-Shelf, PJ, is hiding from grandchildren again. Most of our shopping is also complete, so we will not have to deal with last-minute dashes to the local shopping mall. However, this Christmas will […]

Thanksgiving Memories
By: claycormany in Family
Thanksgiving will be here in a few days, and I hope to resist the urge to gorge myself on all the delicious food that will be on the table. Despite that challenge, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and has been for quite awhile. As a child, I would have picked Christmas as my favorite, and […]

Grandson Nikolai Enters World of OSU Football
By: claycormany in Family
My wife has a hard time understanding why people in central Ohio who have no past or present connection to The Ohio State University still feel passionate about the school’s football team. I have explained to her that OSU football is part of the culture here. It is woven into our identity and helps define […]

A Review of Shepherd: A Memoir
By: claycormany in Books
Gilbert, Richard. Shepherd: A Memoir. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2014. Farming is hard work. I realized that many years ago when I spent a weekend spreading manure, feeding horses, and doing other chores on my aunt and uncle’s farm in Hilliard, Ohio. In his book, Shepherd: A Memoir, Richard Gilbert not only […]

My Chicago Christmas
By: claycormany in Family
The 2015 Christmas season is here in full force with all the usual trappings and activity. There was a brief time in my life when I didn’t particularly like this holiday, but I made my peace with it and now enjoy it fully. I look forward to Rudolph and Frosty, Scrooge and his spirits, Clara […]

A Tribute to Eddie
By: claycormany in Family
Today, I put aside concerns about books and writing to pay tribute to a man who left us too soon. Eddie Burch was married to my wife’s cousin, Linda. Most of my contact with him came at holiday gatherings. But whenever I spent time with Eddie, I came away happy. He told great stories, especially […]
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