Barnes and Noble Teen Book Festival

A Review of Shepherd: A Memoir
By: claycormany in Books
Gilbert, Richard. Shepherd: A Memoir. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2014. Farming is hard work. I realized that many years ago when I spent a weekend spreading manure, feeding horses, and doing other chores on my aunt and uncle’s farm in Hilliard, Ohio. In his book, Shepherd: A Memoir, Richard Gilbert not only […]

A Review of Walking with God through Pain and Suffering — Part II
By: claycormany in Books
In Part I of my critique of Walking with God through Pain and Suffering, I analyzed the essential content of Tim Keller’s book. In Part II, I focus on what I believe Keller gets right and where he goes wrong. Keller is on the mark in criticizing contemporary Western culture for failing to give people […]

A Review of Walking with God through Pain and Suffering — Part I
By: claycormany in Books
I finished Tim Keller’s Walking with God through Pain and Suffering several months ago and have struggled to find both the time and the correct words for a critique of this book. To facilitate the task, I’ll provide an overview of the book in this blog and my criticism of it in my April 17 […]

In Praise of Punctuation
By: claycormany in Books
Several years ago, I served on a committee that was charged with revising the basic composition textbook used by Columbus State’s English Department. The committee consisted of 10-12 English faculty members, both full-time and adjunct. All were excellent writers. Many of them, besides teaching, had their work published. When it came time to revise the […]

I received my third quarter royalty payment a few days ago. It amounted to $27.42. Adding this to the $34.23 and the $32.23 that Fast-Pitch Love brought to me in April and July, respectively, my total earnings from the book now total $93.76. It’s clear that writing is not going to bring me great riches. […]

Writers’ Ink
By: claycormany in Books
Some time ago, my wife requested that I not join any more writing groups. I found it easy to say yes to her request. After all, I already belong to four such groups, three of which focus on critiquing. The fourth group Writers’ Ink is different. It is a skill-building and knowledge-expanding organization […]

Write Minded
By: claycormany in Books
One of my goals in creating this blog is to draw attention to individuals who are trying to promote the literary arts in one way or another. Ty Weisheimer is one such individual. While growing up in Bellefontaine, Ohio, Ty found that writing stories and creating works of visual art gave him an escape from […]

Independents’ Festival
By: claycormany in Books
This weekend (Sept. 19-20), I took part in the Independents’ Festival in the Franklinton area of Columbus. This area is familiar to me, since I often parked my car here during my years with the Ohio Department of Education. Alas, Franklinton’s appearance hasn’t improved in the years since I retired from ODE. Cracked sidewalks, broken […]

Keeping a Promise
By: claycormany in Books
I believe in keeping promises. Eight years ago, when I was doing research for my Young Adult novel, Fast-Pitch Love, I sought help from Coach Jack Brandenburg of the Worthington Parks and Recreation Softball League. My wife told me that Coach Jack was the go-to guy for anything involving girls softball in Worthington. She was […]
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