Laney and Poke: Two Characters I Know

Laney and Poke: Two Characters I Know
By: claycormany in Books
I recently finished Lee Martin’s novel Break the Skin. Like his other books, this one is replete with characters who are grimly – even painfully — real. In my next blog, I’ll review Break the Skin in detail, but for now, I want to focus on two characters from the story who found their way […]

The Wright Brothers: A Review
By: claycormany in Books
McCullough, David. The Wright Brothers. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2015. Not long ago, the Ohio General Assembly discussed a proposal to modify the Great Seal of Ohio by having the image of the Wright Brothers’ first airplane appear in the seal’s background, flying toward the rising sun. To date, this change has not been adopted, […]

Shredded: A Review
By: claycormany in Books
O’Donnell, Charles. Shredded. Moon Lit. Publishing, 2018. If you think the Internet is a disturbing, intimidating creation, you’ll want to stay clear of Charles O’Donnell’s novel Shredded. If you venture within its pages, you’ll encounter the Worldstream, which makes the Internet look as innocuous as a 3-day-old kitten. Though similar to the Internet, the Worldstream […]

A Friend Brings His Stories to a Live Audience
By: claycormany in Books
As much as I enjoy reading passages of my books to people, I also enjoy listening to other authors bring their stories to life at public presentations. So I made a point of attending my friend Charles O’Donnell’s reading at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Reynoldsburg this past Sunday. His was the first of several […]

Springfield Summer Book Fair 2019
By: claycormany in Books
Musicians go on concert tours, politicians launch campaigns, artists participate in exhibitions, and authors — especially if they are not well known — attend book fairs. The Springfield (Ohio) Book Fair, held this past Saturday, was not the first such event I ever attended, but it was the most widely publicized and featured the most […]

Cowboy Out of Time: A Review
By: claycormany in Books
Salter, Jeffrey L. Cowboy Out of Time. Clean Reads, 2019. After reading Gilbert King’s solemn and often sad Devil in the Grove, I was ready for some lighter reading. Jeff Salter’s Cowboy Out of Time fit the bill nicely. The story revolves around small-town social worker Rose Roamer and an 1880s-vintage cowboy, Hunter Weston, who […]

Devil in the Grove: A Review
By: claycormany in Books
King, Gilbert. Devil in the Grove. New York: Harper Perennial, 2012. As a child, I loved family vacations to Florida. Some of my happiest moments as a kid came while running through the waves at Daytona Beach and building sand castles under the glowing Florida sun. Little did I know there was a sadder, scarier, […]

The Handmaid’s Tale: A Man’s Response
By: claycormany in Books
I am not a big fan of dystopian fiction, the genre of literature that deals with individuals surviving and/or struggling against a repressive government or possibly a post-apocalyptic world with no government. However, I recently read Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, partly in response to the #Me Too Movement and partly because the book appears […]

Anthology Provides Insight to Writers’ Trials, Triumphs, and Life Lessons
By: claycormany in Books
After over two years of planning, discussion, writing, revision, and occasional angst, Lost and Found: An Anthology of Poems, Memoirs, and Stories has become a reality. The book made its official debut on May 5 at the 2018 Columbus State Writers Conference, and in the weeks and months ahead, the GEM-C Writers will be working […]
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