A New Blog with an Old Purpose

A New Blog with an Old Purpose
By: claycormany in Writing
When I started this blog back in June 2015, I planned for it to showcase my writing and provide a platform for my thoughts about literary issues. Before long, however, other topics often took center stage. In fact, nine of the first 22 postings didn’t deal with writing in any way. That’s not surprising since writing is only one part of my life, and not even the most-important part. But on the advice of Brian, my recently hired literary advisor, I’m going to start a new blog that will be devoted exclusively to writing-related subjects. The new blog (which I’ve not yet named) will have two goals. First, to make myself more widely known as a writer, and second, to increase my book sales. My original blog, “Write at Home,” will not be abandoned, but I may be posting to it no more than once a month. “Write at Home” will now deal with the non-writing parts of my life, such as family, bicycling, the outdoors, and life in general. I may change the “write” to “right” just to make it clear that writing is now in the domain of my new blog.
I hope to launch the writing blog sometime in February. Blogspot or WordPress will likely serve as the platform. (I’ve had too many problems with Fat Cow to stick with them.) Following the format established by “Write at Home,” at least one photo will accompany each post. Since this new blog will not be attached to a new website, I’m hoping there won’t be any technical problems in setting it up. If there are, the launch date will likely be in March.
Although focused on writing, the new blog will not necessarily be exclusively devoted to my writing or my ideas about writing. It will likely include book reviews, as well as my comments about other people’s blogs. I may even open the door to a guest blogger now and then.
The biggest challenge with the writing blog may be the frequency of postings. Brian wants me to have a posting once a week. That’s going to be a challenge given all the other things happening in my life. That includes writing a third YA novel. One thing Brian suggests is using an old writing-related posting from “Write at Home” as the foundation for a fresh posting in the new blog. He also suggests creating a “stockpile” of blogs from which to draw when circumstances don’t allow me to do any writing. I think posting a blog once a week is a goal worth pursuing, but not one that should cause me despair if I don’t always attain it. After all, writing is a serious hobby for me, but not my livelihood.
As mentioned, I hope to start the writing blog next month. I’ll let my loyal readers know when it’s up and running.
Tags: blog, Brian, Wordpress, writing