Trivia Fun League Offers New Challenges
Viewing posts from : March 2023

Trivia Fun League Offers New Challenges
By: claycormany in Life in General
When it comes to trivia, I think I’m pretty good. Though it’s been several years since I played it, Trivial Pursuit remains one of my favorite games, and my wife and I, acting as a team, generally do well on the Columbus Dispatch‘s weekly “Super Quiz.” So when my friend Bob offered me the chance […]

Hate Has No Home Here
By: claycormany in Life in General
Whenever I take a bike ride through my community, I always see a variety of lawn signs. If an election is near, these signs often announce support for a candidate or for the passage or rejection of a local issue. Other common signs express support for “Black Lives Matter,” for Ukraine in their struggle against […]
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