The Benefit of the Doubt

The Benefit of the Doubt
By: claycormany in Uncategorized
Stephen Spielberg’s 2012 film Lincoln focuses on Honest Abe’s effort in the early days of 1865 to abolish slavery through the adoption of the 13th Amendment. At the outset, he faced considerable opposition. Even the Radical Republicans, who fervently wanted slavery abolished, were reluctant to help Lincoln, believing his push for the 13th Amendment was […]

The 5K Challenge
By: claycormany in Running
Twenty minutes and thirty-six seconds. That’s the fastest I’ve ever run a 5K race. This “achievement” occurred in the spring or summer of 1983 when I was 34 years old. The race started at Westerville South High School, wound through local neighborhoods, and concluded back at the high school. I remember doing my utmost to […]
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