Fort Myers Beach Public Library: A Hidden Treasure

Fort Myers Beach Public Library: A Hidden Treasure
By: claycormany in Books
Fort Myers, Florida, located on the Gulf of Mexico, offers visitors all the attractions one would expect to find in such a location — swaying palm trees, sandy beaches, dazzling sunsets, and excellent seafood. It also offers an attraction the average tourist would not expect to find — a beautiful modern multi-story public library. I […]

My Opinion: The Two Scariest Movies Ever Made
By: claycormany in Life in General
What would you say is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? If you are unsettled by the prospect of alien invaders laying waste to planet earth, then maybe War of the Worlds or Battle Los Angeles would be your answer. Or maybe face-to-face encounters with nasty creatures from outer space send a chill up your […]
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