Shredded: A Review

Shredded: A Review
By: claycormany in Books
O’Donnell, Charles. Shredded. Moon Lit. Publishing, 2018. If you think the Internet is a disturbing, intimidating creation, you’ll want to stay clear of Charles O’Donnell’s novel Shredded. If you venture within its pages, you’ll encounter the Worldstream, which makes the Internet look as innocuous as a 3-day-old kitten. Though similar to the Internet, the Worldstream […]

Return to Maple Grove
By: claycormany in Life in General
Several days ago, a friend I’ve known since high school invited me to attend a special service at Maple Grove Methodist Church in Clintonville (north Columbus). The service was “special” because of the recognition given to veterans who were in attendance. For me, the service was special in another way because Maple Grove was where […]
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