Cowboy Out of Time: A Review

Cowboy Out of Time: A Review
By: claycormany in Books
Salter, Jeffrey L. Cowboy Out of Time. Clean Reads, 2019. After reading Gilbert King’s solemn and often sad Devil in the Grove, I was ready for some lighter reading. Jeff Salter’s Cowboy Out of Time fit the bill nicely. The story revolves around small-town social worker Rose Roamer and an 1880s-vintage cowboy, Hunter Weston, who […]

Devil in the Grove: A Review
By: claycormany in Books
King, Gilbert. Devil in the Grove. New York: Harper Perennial, 2012. As a child, I loved family vacations to Florida. Some of my happiest moments as a kid came while running through the waves at Daytona Beach and building sand castles under the glowing Florida sun. Little did I know there was a sadder, scarier, […]
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