Triathlon Performance Leaves Room for Improvement

Triathlon Performance Leaves Room for Improvement
By: claycormany in Cycling
The 2019 Worthington Indoor Triathlon is history. As you’ll recall from my January 20 post, this athletic challenge involved seeing how far you could go in 45 minutes, with 15 minutes each of swimming, biking, and running. How did I do? I came, I saw, I didn’t conquer but I did survive and complete all the […]

Make Way for the Snowblower
By: claycormany in Life in General
I once vowed (to no one in particular) that I would never buy a snowblower. For one thing, all the models I’ve seen are awfully expensive. For another, given Ohio’s trend toward warmer winters, it wouldn’t be used often enough to justify its cost. And finally, I didn’t want to admit I might someday be […]
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