A New Challenge: An Indoor Triathlon

A New Challenge: An Indoor Triathlon
By: claycormany in Cycling
An Ironman Triathlon may be the ultimate physical challenge that anyone can undertake. It begins with a 2.4-mile swim, followed by a 112-mile bike race, and concludes with a standard marathon of 26.2 miles. Thus, an Ironman competitor will cover 140.6 miles from start to finish, roughly equaling the distance between Columbus and Cleveland. On […]

A Tribute to Liana
By: claycormany in Family
The arrival of a new year typically finds me setting goals, helping prepare a family dinner, and looking forward to watching some college bowl games. Unfortunately, the arrival of 2019 brought tragedy, too. During the sauerkraut-and-pork roast feast, my wife Becky received a call from her cousin Amy and learned that Amy’s niece Liana Lecklitner […]
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