The Handmaid’s Tale: A Man’s Response

The Handmaid’s Tale: A Man’s Response
By: claycormany in Books
I am not a big fan of dystopian fiction, the genre of literature that deals with individualsĀ surviving and/or struggling against a repressive government or possibly a post-apocalyptic world with no government. However, I recently read Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, partly in response to the #Me Too Movement and partly because the book appears […]

Killing My Characters
By: claycormany in Writing
On July 1, I e-mailed the completed manuscript for my second YA novel, The Bullybuster, to Astraea Press (now DBA Clean Reads). I was cautiously optimistic that they would agree to publish it. After all, they published my first novel after requesting that I make only a few minor changes. But the response I received […]
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