Jennifer Best for the Worthington School Board

Jennifer Best for the Worthington School Board
By: claycormany in Life in General
Politics is in the air throughout Worthington. Even though the President and Congress are not facing election, many local offices are up for grabs. Candidates for school board, city council, and township trustee are hitting the sidewalks, going door to door with vote-for-me literature. Meanwhile, their colorful campaign signs are popping up on the lawns […]

White-Water Raft Adventure Highlights Glacier National Park Trip
By: claycormany in Outdoors
As a schoolboy studying U.S. geography, I learned there were three national parks out west whose natural beauty made them worth visiting: Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Glacier. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it to the first two, but a few days ago, I was finally able to visit Glacier National Park located in the […]
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