The Angel of Marye’s Heights

The Angel of Marye’s Heights
By: claycormany in Life in General
Yesterday, Duke University removed a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from its campus. A few days earlier, protestors tore down a statue of a Confederate soldier that had stood outside a Durham, North Carolina government building. Both actions came in the wake of violence between white supremacists and counter protestors over the planned […]

50-Year High School Graduation Reunion Brings Mixed Feelings
By: claycormany in Life in General
During the 4th of July weekend, my high school class celebrated its 50th anniversary. There were several reunion activities including a dinner-dance and a float in the Upper Arlington 4th of July parade. I was in Boston at that time, so couldn’t participate in these get-togethers. Even before the Boston trip was on my schedule, I hesitated […]
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