A Shadow over Christmas

A Shadow over Christmas
By: claycormany in Family
The holiday season is in full swing at the Cormany-Princehorn household. The Christmas tree is up, decorations have been hung, and our Elf-on-the-Shelf, PJ, is hiding from grandchildren again. Most of our shopping is also complete, so we will not have to deal with last-minute dashes to the local shopping mall. However, this Christmas will […]

Smithsonian Magazine Helps Fulfill Quest for Lifelong Learning
By: claycormany in Articles
During my days with the Ohio Department of Education, I often heard our leaders say that students should be “lifelong learners.” That meant giving students both the tools and motivation to seek knowledge and expand their horizons even after their formal schooling ended. I like to think of myself as a lifelong learner. Until I […]
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