Thoughts on English 1160: Writing Across the Genres

Thoughts on English 1160: Writing Across the Genres
By: claycormany in Writing
My creative writing course at Otterbein came to an end a few weeks ago. Although my Wednesday evenings are free once again, I find myself missing the discussions and discovery that occurred in nearly every class. When my wife signed me up for this course as a Christmas gift, she worried that I would take […]

A Review of Shepherd: A Memoir
By: claycormany in Books
Gilbert, Richard. Shepherd: A Memoir. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2014. Farming is hard work. I realized that many years ago when I spent a weekend spreading manure, feeding horses, and doing other chores on my aunt and uncle’s farm in Hilliard, Ohio. In his book, Shepherd: A Memoir, Richard Gilbert not only […]
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