Pelotonia Follow-Up

Pelotonia Follow-Up
By: claycormany in Cycling
Pelotonia 15 is now history. I completed the 75-miles route, which ran from Pickerington to Gambier. In addition to being 25 miles farther than the 50-mile route, which I completed in 2013, the 75-mile route has more hills. The course actually divides into two sections past Granville, but even the easier Bennington Chapel section – […]

Keeping a Promise
By: claycormany in Books
I believe in keeping promises. Eight years ago, when I was doing research for my Young Adult novel, Fast-Pitch Love, I sought help from Coach Jack Brandenburg of the Worthington Parks and Recreation Softball League. My wife told me that Coach Jack was the go-to guy for anything involving girls softball in Worthington. She was […]
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